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Selam aleikum, liebe Community!

Nach 14 Jahren intensiver Arbeit ist Halalcheck bereit für den nächsten großen Schritt. Unser Projekt hat sich als verlässliche Quelle für Transparenz und Qualität in der Halal-Lebensmittelbranche etabliert – jetzt suchen wir engagierte Investoren und Nachfolger, die diese Mission weiterführen und auf das nächste Level heben.

Halalcheck bietet enormes Wachstumspotenzial und eine starke Community, die Vertrauen in unsere Plattform setzt. Möchtest du Teil dieser Erfolgsgeschichte sein? Dann melde dich bei uns!

About Us

Our team


The HalalCheck team is very dynamic. However, the solid core consists of Isa, Muhammed I, Rüveyda, Burcu, Ayse, Enes, Muhammed II, Burak, Sümeyye and Bünyamin. But then we always have numerous supporting siblings who help us with product analysis, alhamdulillah. And of course many experts from the fields of food science, Islamic jurisprudence, Islamic jurisprudence, medicine and other areas. Our experts are always at our side with action and advice.

Muhammed I, Enes, Rüveyda, Ayse, Muhammed II are our outward face. You are responsible for product analysis and marketing. When they are not analyzing products, they are on our social media channels, posting new articles for you and supporting the community. As an Islamic theologian, Burcu is also our expert on Islamic law issues relating to food.

Muhammed I and Enes are part of the product analysis team and moderators of our Instagram and Facebook page. They fill it with life and take a lot of time to answer every message in detail.

Rüveyda, Sümeyye and Isa are responsible for the website, design and content.

Burak, Bünyamin, Isa and Sümeyye our heroes in the background. They are responsible for the design, development and operation of the platforms.