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Gelatine? Flavours? E-numbers?

What is HalalCheck?

HalalCheck is a search engine for food. It is specially made for people who want to know what is in the products they consume. HalalCheck is not only suitable for Muslims, but also for vegans, vegetarians and people of other faiths.

The term ḥalāl.

The word ḥalāl (‏حلال‎) comes from Arabic and means “permissible”. Halāl refers to all things and actions that are permitted or permissible according to Islamic norms (fiqh). The opposite of ḥalāl is the word ḥarām (حرام) - i.e. “forbidden”.

Why ḥalāl?

The reason why muslims try to cosume only permitted things as much as possible is as follows:  muslims are prescribed by Allah in the Koran to eat and drink  islamically permitted things - i.e. out of pure devotion and fear of God (taqwā).